What to Know About Laser Cataract Surgery

Vision aids like corrective glasses as well as contact lenses are a common way for people with vision problems to see more clearly. However there are more serious problems that require eye surgery. Although some think cataracts are just regular vision issues like far or nearsightedness its more than that as they are cloudy spots on the eye’s lens that mostly affect older people. Such therefore impairs ones vision and becomes more serious with time if left untreated leads to partial or full blindness. People suffering from cataracts are recommended cataract surgery as it helps remove cloudy cataract and see well again. This tends to be a newer method that yields better and more precise results than conventional methods of cataract surgery.

Traditional cataract surgery is where the surgeon makes a small incision in the eye with a blade or scalpel then a circular cut is performed on the eye’s lens. The cataract is then broken up using waves from an ultrasound machine and finally a new custom lens implanted into the eye. Laser cataract surgery is where the laser will replace most of the other equipment. This produces a small cut in the eye and cut a perfect circle in the lens when guided by an occular surgeon. The cloudy cataract are then crumbled by the laser into tiny pieces then removed with the ultrasound machine. Laser cataract surgery therefore has a high success rate and is considered a very safe procedure. The following are some of the reasons why many people prefer laser surgery than the traditional methods.

One is reduced downtime. The cloudy cataracts are broken up and softened by the laser after the circular incision has been made. There is less swelling and faster recovery due to the use of less energy in this method.

Next is astigmatism correction. It tends to be a common problem where ones vision can become distorted. Its brought about by a misshapen part of the outer eye called cornea. This helps correct minor cases of astigmatism.

This lowers the need for glasses afterward. Such lens implanted in the eye helps correct any vision issues one have been struggling with. It can also be tailored to your lifestyle and how you want your vision to be. This combined with astigmatism correction could mean you can be glasses-free. Its good to check with ones doctor to know if it’s an available option.

Another one is more precise and consistent. The laser makes a more accurate circle in the lens of the eye above the cataract. Its useful when in need of another ocular lens to correct the vision. The accuracy of the circle cut will make implanting the lens much easier.

There is making of more accurate incision in difficult cases. Cataracts worsen over time. There is difficulty in making the incision in the traditional method. Click this link for more tips: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dark-circles-puffy-eyes_l_5c9cdc16e4b08c450cd2ad20.

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